May 8, 2008

Scholastic silver key award for poetry

Today, I recieved an award from scholastic for my poetry. Honestly, I do not know how they found out about me because after speaking to most of the youg writers at this conference I was told that they specifically submitted thier work to scholastic. I guess someone did submitted for me, but "O well! I'm not complaining about it" - lol.It was a pretty long ceremony, but at least I got to say a few words. I actually beatboxed while stating my name, school, and title of my award. The crowd seemed to enjoy it since most of the other speakers were kind of monotonous. But what can I say? - I love the stage. There was free food, and drinks so that is always good. At this event, they gave out awards to short story writers as well as art and picture porfolios, and other forms of creativity and expression. I believe there need to be more things like this, because it seems more trophies are given to physical athletes, rather than athletes of the mind. There were also a few presentations from older writers who won scholastic awards in the past. This I believe, was extremely inspirational. One quote stated that I will not forget is - "Many people can spell . . . Many can learn what a word means - But only you determine what a word can do." This is definitely something that I have to throw in the archive, because it is that much of a compelling statement for me. And it encourages all that I do with art.

Anyway, after the show I got to tag a few boards and write quotes and inspirational words to leave behind for the event. So you know I had fun with that. Here's an example. . .

- All is Love
- Feel-X

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