Sep 10, 2008

Immortal Technique

This guy is the man. You can just tell that he reads and reads and just spits out knowledge everytime he opens his month. With proper and enough research we can see that the world's governing system has such of a history of corrupt ways that we don't even care any more. Point blank period the public is dumb! Why don't why ever try to educate ourselves? Why do we just accept everything we are told? Do your own research! In an earlier post I said the time is now! Immortal Technique is a man that understands all of this, and so is Jordan Maxwell. You may not know him, but look him up. Its time we start empowering ourselves! The New World Order is coming! Or should I say Lethal World Order. I just wish to inspire you to learn for yourself because we have to make a change now. If you look back, history has been tampered with for mass consumption and watered down because the public isn't "smart enough" to understand. They are calling us stupid! The Time is now - Farenhiet 451 - Lethal Inspiration
Underground Railroad Freestyle - Immortal Technique

-All is Love

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