Jun 3, 2008

The Post of all posts!!!!

Sorry guys. I know you have been on hold for a while, and probably have been wondering - What's happening with Lethal Inspiration? - Well, let me tell you that we haven't been slacking. In fact, there has been so much going on that is the reason why I haven't been able to post in so long. I also know that for a while you haven't hear much about clothing, but I am proud to say the designing for the Lethal Inspiration summer line is complete and is now in place to be printed for your consumption. The Annagural Spring collection was one colaboratively designed by myself and Squeaksz, but this collection has been created entirely by Squeaksz who I know that you have not heard a lot from in a while. I have also been working on our Fall line which is about 40% complete already. In addition, I have been working on getting Lethal Inspiration some exposure through various performances and my up and coming meeting with a major label executive named Patrick who you may not know but will after the deal is sealed. (Sorry, just a preview to a later post). The majority of my work here at Lethal Inspiration has been based around networking and setting up some of the more technical business aspects of this brand.
I also bet you guys are wondering how the show went on the 25th. Well, let's say that I walk off feeling as if that was my greatest performance yet. Although me and the band lost the competition, we left the venue as the most remembered band of the night. My final song left 90% of the audience in tears, and I actually broke down on stage in the process. Also, the winner was told that she needed a band and she has been in contact with me so that me and my band may be able to colaborate with her to move on to the next level of the competition in Ireland.To Add to the madness, this past friday was my prom, and Squeaksz along with some of my fellow Tha' Works records' affiliates graduated from St. Raymond's on Saturday, and we went out to celebrate that night on forty second street. If you want to see some of the photo's from any of those two events then you can visit my myspace at www.myspace.com/DaLyricalMiracle which some of you may already know. . .

Sunday was rehearsal for my godsister's sweet sixteen, and all I can say is "Wow" because they are really trying to make this one crazy and Fairy-Tale like event. If you keep reading this blog then you will know how that turns out, because the comments I could place upon would sum up to possibly another two posts at least. . .

Upon leaving the rehearsal which was in New Jersey, I proceeded to a barbeque in Crotona Park located back up here in the Bronx. There I hung out with people from the LEAD after-school program that I am highly affiliated with and has nurtured my creativity in addition to exposing me to more innovative people throughout my past four years in High-School. . .

Has this been a slap together of many posts that should have been made thoughout these past few weeks? - Yes
I'm sorry if this has been a random entry, but it serves a fill in to you who have been diligently waiting. Once again, I apologize for not posting about these things earlier and gining you a more in depth insight but even with cuttin back on sleep time I have not had as much time to release this information to all of you. But please stay tuned . . . Because I think youhave a good understanding of how much is at the Lethal Inspiration "Table of plenty"

Sorry Again
-All is Love

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