Mar 14, 2008

A little background knowledge . . .

Lethal Inspiration is a clothing line founded by Brandon “Feel-X Morel, and Andrew “Squeaksz” Stephens. Its supporting members are Angelica Cruz, Chris, and Jaron.

Lethal Inspiration is a collection of our thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle. Every piece has inspiration based upon these themes. Lethal Inspiration is a movement! It also serves as a school of thought for the street wear community. To be an artist is to create. We wake up and create a thought and we ultimately have the ability to create our own lives. These creations are expressed through our clothing. In the end, Lethal Inspiration is an entity of its own which encourages us to be an innovatively thinking nation. So, when purchasing a garment created by Lethal Inspiration you have just signed up to become a part of a new society; one in which people listen to one another and share thoughts and beliefs that can revolutionize the way the human mind develops, thus pushing for growth of our species.

Foundation: The Bronx, New York City

Feel-X, and Squeaksz felt empowered to start a movement in society. Individually they each supported creativity and self thought. Together they felt the need to empower the community to be more innovatively thinking. Thus they created the name Lethal Inspiration.

Through poetic images and a lifestyle that is supportive of this movement, Feel-X and Squeaksz bring you clothing that advocates this innovative school of thought.

-All is love

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